Sunday, March 23, 2008

If only Money was edible..

Its hard to admit, but unconstrained capitalism has been a major factor that has contributed to environmental degradation. Even though its not too late to do something about it by way of corrective action, the world over, there are climate skeptics and people such as industrialists who could lose out, who oppose and use their political clout to prevent any corrective measures.

Sadly, it is only the European Union who are taking a stand on this issue. The biggest polluters - the USA, China, and India have said without mincing any words that they are more interested in making money. What their industrialists and political leadership (the mighty warlord George Walter Bush, included - his father was the one who refused to adhere to the decisions of the Rio de Janeiro summit) do not realize is that money is not edible and after the rising sea levels have submerged all agricultural land and sources of drinking water, their money is only as good as toilet paper.


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