Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Racism in India - II

Indian society is the most racist in the world. This time I'm not talking about the caste system but about the colour of people's skin.

Just read this bit of news from CNN-IBN about an African being unable to rent a home in New Delhi, because Delhiites believe that all Africans are into drug peddling. But most of them have no problem in letting out their properties to Caucasians, even though they may be into drug peddling too. Keep in mind folks, that if this were to happen with an Indian in a western country, the entire Indian media would be screaming racism.

I also remembered that people from the North Eastern states of India, who have East Asian features, are often subjected to racial slurs or branded as Nepalis, pretty much all over India.

Besides Northern Indians have earned themselves a not very good reputation even within India, and yet they call Maharashtrians and Kannadigas xenophobic merely for asserting their claim over Mumbai and Bangalore, respectively.

For reasons like these, I wouldn't recommend a holiday in India to anybody.


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