Friday, January 04, 2008

Racism in the "New" India

[My only intention in actually posting this is to make clear my stance of zero tolerance towards racism, and how all that glitters is not gold. ]

Somewhere among the 1.2 billion people in India is a really hot girl, with whom practically every then single guy I know would've loved to have gone out with, yours truly included. This woman was aware of the effect her presence and style of walking (almost as if she was walking on a fashion ramp) had on guys and certainly knew how to use it to maximum effect ("I won't be in college the coming week, can you please share your lecture notes?", "I was looking for you because I need a favour, can you please drop off this cheque at the office of ______ telecom?",... I'm sure you get the drift *).

I recently came across the profile of this girl on one of the many social networking sites, and noticed that she is a member of an online racially supremacist group which takes pride in the Indian 'caste' they belong to. The caste system is a hereditary social hierarchical system in India. Discrimination/segregation on the basis of it is illegal by law, but largely condoned and widespread in Indian society. [As I have said before, I regret to mention that Christians in Goa remember their castes, even though they had converted to Christianity, a religion where all human beings are equal, five centuries ago.]

Its really unfortunate and ironic that people who otherwise lead modern lifestyles and take benefit of the economic progress India has made, still believe in and follow the millenia-old systems of racial segregation.

As for me, I'd rather be single than with a racist girl or a member of the pseudo-liberal complex.



Blogger Unknown said...

Nice to see that you share my views on the damn Caste system in Goa.... It is a shame that we christians still hold on to it...!

11:29 AM  

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