This post is about one of my experiences with the net.
*** WARNING: This is a SPOILER, if you plan to read Chetan Bhagat's
'One Night @ the Call Center'. ****
The protagonist aided by his friend and colleague search the name of,
.. well.., the anti-hero on Google and find a photograph which they
are able to use to expose his lie.
*** You can read on now... ****
While this was just a story, I agree that Google and other search engines
can turn up information, not always flattering.
A few weeks back, I wanted to know more about the author of a research
paper I had gone through, and casually typed the name in google,
expecting to find a link to a webpage on some university's site.
What it turned up was some database kind of thing, listing the
address, date of birth and academic records of this individual.
Curiosity killed the cat, yet I googled for the names of a
lot of my friends and acquaintances and came to know that one
of my classmates from college had registered on some matrimonial site.
As I mentioned these findings to a friend, he typed in my name.
While most of the links are relevant, it also turned up one comment
I had made about some news item, which I now think as too irrational
and immature. In my defence, I had made that comment, like,
half a decade ago.
In all this, I don't have the guts to search the name of the woman
I love on any of these tools.