Sunday, December 07, 2008

Greek Tragedy

More "left-liberal" crap. I just read this bit of news about rioting in Greece, in protest at the shooting dead of a 16 year old who was part of a group of Molotov cocktail brandishing vandals who were throwing stones at a police car. These kind of things are commonplace in Asia and Africa, but I never thought they'd happen in Europe and that too taking the side of a criminal who was killed by the law.

The Greek Government has gone out and apologized for the shooting of that teenager and even initiated action against the cops involved. What about the people whose cars and shops have been destroyed by the rioters? This is exactly the reason I don't trust "left-liberals" and centrist fence-sitters like me may be forced to take a more conservative position, not unlike that of people from the Southern states that make up the United States of America.

Monday, December 01, 2008

The Ayes have it , but...

(This post continues from the previous one.

DISCLAIMER: This post may contain sexually explicit phrases and may not be suitable for
children below 14 years. Reader discretion is advised.)

Some of my friends/colleagues think I'm a Catholic conservative (which is by the way a cardinal "sin" in modern Europe) and homophobic. I'll refute the first allegation later and start with the second since we are already on the subject of homosexuality.

I'm a straight dude. As a kid in school, I heard and read stories, including the so-called fairy tales, only involving one man and one woman. Later, in high school I learned about how peno-vaginal sexual intercourse leads to creating babies. Since then, I've been with women and plan on settling down and having a kid of my own, who I'd wish to go through a similar cycle.

Some liberal elementary school teachers in the U.S. state of Massachusetts have begun narrating to 5 year olds, stories involving, say, 2 princes or 2 princesses, who eventually get to be with each other. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts has allowed them to go ahead since same sex couples have the status of marriage (and not merely civil unions) in Massachusetts and Connecticut. This frenzy for granting people sexual freedom means little kids are exposed to the ideas of gay or lesbian sex, before they are even in a position to understand sex.

A society where new individuals are as likely to be straight as they are to be homosexual could have tremendous implications on society at the level of city-states or even nations. Fewer straight couples would eventually mean decreasing and aging populations (which is already a problem in several countries), which could lead to that society being militarily defeated by superior numbers. Russia may be one of the first countries to suffer this fate because of their huge borders and because they are losing people through emigration to European Union countries. This, and not fire and brimstone as the Bible says, may have been the reason for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

This does not mean that homosexuality must be banned. That would be fascist. However, for the reasons detailed above, they must always be within some limit fraction of the population and it is for this reason that I believe they must not be encouraged to "sexually proselytize" (if there exists such a term) by giving them completely equal status as straight couples. Conversely, legalizing gay and lesbian sex in China, India and the Islamic countries and allowing same sex civil unions there would ease these countries' problems of overpopulation. In India alone, assuming 2% of a normal population are homosexuals, there would be 20 million gays and lesbians (almost twice the population of Portugal) who are forced to be in straight relationships, an unnatural and uncomfortable state for them, contributing to increasing the population.

The bottom line is there should be no "pride" in being homosexual.